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An Insider’s Report: Sponsored Articles and Advertorials

Articles are an important medium to deliver thought leadership. Valuable information presented in a well written article will earn an author respect, credibility and rapport.

Having articles published in external media allows firms to be associated with a publication’s brand and reach a much wider audience. As there is normally a fee to publish an article in the media, it is important to review each opportunity to maximize the return on investment.

Here is some insider information to consider.

Brand value vs actual value

Publications will engineer ways to maximize revenue. While a publication’s brand value is important, research is advised to understand whether the sponsored article or advertorial actually fits with the type of article the publication’s audience expects to read, or if it is just a money spinner.

“In association with” articles

Some media outlets offer specialist guides which are published “in association with” an international/foreign law firm. These opportunities are targeted at domestic firms and their desire to reach a global audience, connect with the lead firm and be perceived to be part of their network.

It should be noted that not all lead firms will be renowned experts, on occasions priority lead firms may not have the time or willingness to partake in the guide, so a shoe-in firm is used instead. Being associated with these firms could have little benefit or could even be detrimental to your firm’s brand, so caution is advised.

Subscription locked vs free-to-view articles

Subscription or registration to read an article will mean the number of viewers will be limited.

The benefit of this system is the publication is able to provide detailed audience statistics and, should you proceed with the opportunity, information as to who has read your article.

On the flip side, free-to-view articles will garner more views but the publication will not be able to provide you with meaningful statistics for analysis.

Online vs print

Articles should be tailored depending on whether it will be published online, in print or in both.

Online content is consumed differently to print. Research has shown that online (especially mobile) readers prefer content that is short and concise. Whereas print publications provide a better opportunity for writing longer, more in-depth articles.

General vs focused articles

Articles that cover generic or trending topics such as FDI, ESG and Diversity will attract more viewers than articles that cover a specific point of law. The former is better for brand exposure, while the latter is better for establishing a lawyer as an authority figure.

It is important to note that the click through rates between these two types of articles can vary greatly. Focused articles may only receive double digit views, while trending topics can receive thousands of views.

Pre-planned vs ad hoc articles

Publications will invite firms to contribute to annual pre-planned guides where the topic and a structure is provided, which is convenient but restrictive.

For an author to have complete control over the content and truly present themselves as a thought leader they will need to publish an ad hoc article. 

Some points to consider for ad hoc articles:

  • Select a publication that fits with your intended target audience.
  • Research how much coverage there has already been on the topic and whether there is still space for additional coverage.
  • Ask yourself whether there is really an audience for the article or if it is being written due to self-interest only.
  • Will the lawyer’s professional background provide an interesting perspective and allow them to showcase their unique expertise in a specific area?
  • Is the article relevant and timely?

Headlines matter!

The headline will help determine whether someone chooses to read the article. Take the time to decide on a headline that will catch attention and encompass the essence of the article.

Like and share

Do not only rely solely on the publisher to market the article. To maximize the opportunity, firms also need to share the article within their own circle of contacts – via direct email or social media platforms.

At Legal Media 360 we offer business development consultancy services where we assess the opportunities most beneficial to your firm. For more details, please contact